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Different Types of Addiction Recovery Centers
April 12, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Addiction recovery center with two people holding hands

Recovery centers are facilities designed to provide individuals struggling with addiction the necessary resources and support to overcome their substance use disorder and maintain long-term sobriety. However, not all recovery centers are created equal, and choosing the right type of facility can be crucial to an individual's success in achieving the fresh start they are looking for. Treatment centers have three common goals: reducing substance abuse, maximizing life functioning, and preventing relapse.

There are various types of drug and alcohol addiction recovery centers available, each with its unique approach and focus. The Valley is the leading drug rehabilitation center in Rockville, Maryland. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, continue reading to learn about your options.

Outpatient programs

Many addiction recovery centers offer outpatient programs. While enrolled in one of these programs, participants are expected to attend regular therapy sessions in the facility and subsequently return to their homes.

Of course, these programs are less intensive than inpatient programs because sufferers of addiction may not have access to the help they need when they are on the verge of a relapse. However, these programs are an excellent starting point for those who feel they have adequate support outside the treatment center. These programs are also suitable for those who cannot take time off of work, have young children at home, or have other responsibilities.

Addiction recovery centers specializing in outpatient care are typically less expensive than inpatient programs. However, if you feel the disease is taking over your life, it may be necessary to explore inpatient care.

Residential rehabilitation

Residential rehabilitation centers like The Valley specialize in inpatient care. These addiction recovery centers offer 24/7 access to the resources and professional assistance individuals suffering from addiction need to overcome their disease.

Participants enrolled in inpatient programs are expected to stay on-site at the recovery center at all times. Accordingly, these facilities offer meals, medical care, recreational centers, comfortable accommodations, and more. The offerings available at a residential rehabilitation center do, however, vary depending on cost, location, and other factors. For this reason, sufferers of addiction need to select a center that provides a peaceful environment that meets their needs.

Many inpatient programs take place in remote areas where residents can immerse themselves in nature, avoiding the overstimulation and distractions of big cities. Enjoying a healthy amount of separation from their regular lives often helps participants focus on their recovery journey.

The Valley

At The Valley, we offer men’s and women’s inpatient programs where our residents can share their experiences and embark on their recovery journeys together in a supportive environment. Our therapy sessions aim to help sufferers of addiction develop the tools they need to combat difficult moments where they may be at risk of relapsing. Our highly trained professionals provide daily therapy, both in individual and group settings. Our counselors are also qualified to diagnose patients in the event that underlying mental health issues are compounded with addiction. This way, residents can get the help they need through medication and specialized forms of therapy, among other mechanisms.

Our center is located in Rockville, making it a quiet, restful place for participants in our program to access the help they need. Our comfortable accommodations include flat-screen televisions, cable, customized meals, and more. For every ten residents, we have one counselor on-site at all times to ensure the safety and success of our program participants.

Are you searching for an addiction recovery center to help you overcome drug or alcohol addiction? You are not alone. Reach out to learn more about how our team at The Valley can help.

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